Stable Functioning of Heating System Facilities
04.01.23 - 14:38

During these winter days, workers-specialists of the energy and water supply service of the Gazawat industrial site of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the facilities of heat supply systems subordinate to the central administration of the Directorate in accordance with the requirements. This conditions the effectiveness of the work of labor collectives of both the administration of the Directorate and the Gazawat industrial site.

Products for export
04.01.23 - 14:43

The names of the employees of the Lebap Directorate of Liquefied Gas Production deserve a worthy mention as the first among those who achieved high production results, making their feasible contribution to the labor victories of the year “The Era of the People with Arkadag”.

Confident Tread of Oil Refiners
03.01.23 - 18:54

Large-scale transformations have been carried out at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries of the Türkmennebit State Concern since the first years of independence of our country.

In a New Building, in Comfortable Conditions
20.03.23 - 21:27

Under the wise leadership of the national leader, Turkmenistan is confidently moving forward along the path of progress and prosperity. As a result of the ongoing transformations in the field of urban planning and the construction of new villages, our homeland today resembles a grandiose construction site with its look. Beautiful buildings, convenient for work and living, adorn not only cities, but also our villages. One of such new buildings appeared in the village of Kolaryk of the gengeshlik of the same name in the Charjev etrap, Lebap velayat.

С новосельем!
03.01.23 - 17:03

В преддверии двойного праздника – Международного дня нейтралитета и профессионального праздника работников нефтегазовой промышленности и геологии в Сейди состоялась церемония сдачи в эксплуатацию нового четырехэтажного, 24-квартирного жилого дома для семей работников Сейдинского нефтеперерабатывающего завода.

В честь славного праздника
03.01.23 - 17:09

День работников нефтегазовой промышленности и геологии в год «эпохи народа с Аркадагом» трудовые коллективы организаций и предприятий нефтегазовой отрасли встретили с высокими производственными показателями. Среди них – Векильбазарское предприятие нефтепродуктов Главного управления «Türkmennebitönümleri» Госконцерна «Türkmennebit».

Happy Housewarming!
03.01.23 - 18:51

On the eve of the double holiday, the International Day of Neutrality and the professional holiday of oil and gas industry workers and geologists, a ceremony of commissioning a new 4-story 24-apartment residential building for families of the employees of the Seydi oil refinery was held in Seydi.

In Honour of the Glorious Holiday
03.01.23 - 21:08

The day of oil and gas industry and geology workers in the year “The Era of the People with Arkadag” was met by labor collectives of organizations and enterprises of the oil and gas industry with high production rates. Among them is the Vekilbazar Oil Products Enterprise of the Türkmennebitönümleri Main Directorate of the Türkmennebit State Concern.

Достойно встречают череду праздников
24.03.23 - 22:26

Достойными трудовыми успехами встретили работники и специалисты газокомпрессорных установок, расположенных вдоль магистрального газопровода Довлетабад-Дерялык Управления «Daşoguzgazakdyryş» ГК «Türkmengaz» 27-летие постоянного Нейтралитета нашей отчизны и свой профессиональный праздник – День работников нефтегазовой промышленности и геологии, ежегодно отмечаемый в стране 14 декабря.

Worthy Meeting of a Series of Holidays
25.03.23 - 14:27

Workers and specialists of gas compressor units located along the Dovletabad–Deryalyk main gas pipeline of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern met with worthy labor achievements the 27th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of our country and their professional holiday – the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers, annually celebrated in the country on December 14.

Ценное и востребованное богатство
24.03.23 - 22:04

Туркменистан, признанный одной из ведущих стран по запасам йода, является первой в регионе и четвертой в мире страной, обеспечившей свое население йодированной поваренной солью. Сырье, необходимое для йодирования этого продукта, также является продукцией отечественного производства.

Valuable and sought-after wealth
24.03.23 - 22:06

Turkmenistan, recognized as one of the leading countries in terms of iodine resources, is the first country in the region and the fourth in the world to provide its population with iodized table salt. The raw material required for iodization of this product is also a domestic product.

Ýyladyş desgalarynyň kadaly işlemegi gazanylýar
27.12.22 - 19:47

«Daşoguzgazakdyryş» müdirliginiň «Gazawat» senagat meýdançasynyň energosuwüpjünçilik gullugynyň işçi-hünärmenleri häzirki gyş günlerinde müdirligiň merkezi dolandyryş edarasyna degişli desgalaryň ýyladyş ulgamlarynyň talabalaýyk işlemegini üpjün edýärler.

Eksporta niýetlenen önümler
27.12.22 - 19:48

«Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy» ýylyny zähmet ýeňişlerine beslemekde, ýurdumyzyň ösüşlerine mynasyp goşant goşmakda ýokary önümçilik netijelerini gazanýanlaryň arasynda Suwuklandyrylan gazy öndürmek boýunça Lebap önümçilik müdirliginiň işgärleriniň atlary ilkinjileriň hatarynda agzalmaga mynasypdyr. Olaryň agzybirlik hem-de yhlas bilen çekýän zähmeti ýerine düşýär.

Nebiti gaýtadan işleýjileriň ynamly gadamlary
22.12.22 - 21:31

«Türkmennebit» döwlet konserniniň Türkmenbaşydaky nebiti gaýtadan işleýän zawodlar toplumy mukaddes ýurt Garaşsyzlygymyza eýe bolan ilkinji ýyllarymyzdan başlap ägirt uly özgertmeleri başdan geçirýär.