Valiant Labor of Oil Refiners
20.03.23 - 14:21“Move forward, confidently take new frontiers and make a worthy contribution to the development of our Motherland.” This goal is served by the united and dedicated workers of the Seydi oil refinery. Serving to good objects, the combined efforts from year to year bring them great success. This is vividly evidenced by the production indicators of the past year “The Era of the People with Arkadag”.

Guwandyryjy jemler, geljege ynam bilen
17.01.23 - 15:28— Geçen ýylda ýurdumyzda uly ösüşler, düýpli özgerişlikler gazanyldy. Şeýle üstünlikde biziň müdirligimiziň agzybir we başarjaň işgärleriniň hem mynasyp zähmet paýy bar — diýip, «Türkmengaz» döwlet konserniniň «Lebapgazçykaryş» müdirliginiň merkezi önümçilik dispetçer gullugynyň başlygy Berdi Berdimetow guwanç bilen gürrüň berýär.

Has çuň gatlaklara aralaşyp
17.01.23 - 15:33Hormatly Prezidentimiz Ministrler Kabinetiniň şu ýylyň 4-nji ýanwarynda sanly ulgam arkaly geçiren ilkinji mejlisinde nebitgaz ulgamynyň işleri baradaky hasabaty diňläp, täze özleşdiriljek nebit ýataklarynyň gorlaryny kesgitlemek boýunça alnyp barylýan çäreleriň ykdysadyýetimiziň esasy pudaklarynyň biri bolan ýangyç-energetika toplumynyň kuwwatlyklaryny artdyrmakdaky ähmiýetine aýratyn ünsi çekdi.

The Contribution of the Balkan Geophysical Expedition to the Successful Solution of Problems of State Importance
29.03.23 - 14:18At the first sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers in 2023, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the new development of prospecting the resources of oil fields to further increase the potential of the fuel and energy complex, which is one of the main sectors of the economy of our country.

Отрадные итоги газовиков Лебапа – залог будущих высоких достижений
27.03.23 - 15:40— В прошлом году в стране были достигнуты высокие экономические показатели, произошли грандиозные преобразвоания. В этом большая заслуга и работников нашего управления, — с гордостью говорит начальник центральной производственно-диспетчерской службы управления «Lebapgazçykaryş» Государственного концерна «Türkmengaz» Берды Бердыметов.

Striking Results of Lebap Gas Workers Are a Guarantee of Future High Achievements
27.03.23 - 21:37“Last year, the country achieved high economic indicators, and grandiose transformations took place. This is a great merit of the employees of our Directorate as well,” the Head of the Central Production and Dispatching Service of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern Berdy Berdymetov proudly says.

Вклад Балканской геофизической экспедиции в успешное решение задач государственного значения
28.03.23 - 21:11На первом в 2023 году заседании Кабинета Министров Президент Туркменистана Сердар Бердымухамедов акцентировал внимание на значимости новой разработки определения запасов нефтяных месторождений для дальнейшего повышения потенциала топливно-энергетического комплекса, являющегося одной из основных отраслей экономики нашей страны.
Turkmenistan Is Increasing the Production of Iodine – a Valuable and Sought-After Product
13.01.23 - 14:21Turkmenistan, recognized as one of the leading countries in terms of iodine resources, is the first country in the region and the fourth in the world to provide its population with iodized table salt. The raw material required for iodization of salt is also a domestic product.

Successful Start of Geophysicists
20.03.23 - 14:18The replenishment of the fleet in 2022 with a new batch of specialized KAMAZ vehicles supplied with high-tech equipment and the purchase of modern tools and equipment, used for geophysical monitoring of wells, contributed to an increase in production efficiency.
New Gas Stations Are Commissioned in the Mary Velayat
06.01.23 - 20:07The Vekilbazar Oil Products Enterprise of the Türkmennebitönümleri Main Directorate of the Türkmennebit State Concern has built and put into operation a new building of the 186th gas station. It is located near the administrative center of the Murgap region, along the road leading to the settlements of the region.
В Марыйском велаяте вводятся в эксплуатацию новые АЗС
06.01.23 - 17:30Векильбазарское предприятие нефтепродуктов Главного управления «Türkmennebitönümleri» Государственного концерна «Türkmennebit» построило и сдало в эксплуатацию новое здание 186-й автозаправочной станции. АЗС расположена вблизи административного центра Мургапского района, вдоль автодороги, ведущей в населённые пункты района.

Stable Functioning of Heating System Facilities
04.01.23 - 14:38During these winter days, workers-specialists of the energy and water supply service of the Gazawat industrial site of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the facilities of heat supply systems subordinate to the central administration of the Directorate in accordance with the requirements. This conditions the effectiveness of the work of labor collectives of both the administration of the Directorate and the Gazawat industrial site.

Продукция на экспорт
03.01.23 - 17:14Имена сотрудников Лебапского управления по производству сжиженного газа заслуживают достойного упоминания в числе первых среди тех, кто добился высоких производственных результатов, внося свой посильный вклад в трудовые победы года «эпохи народа с Аркадагом».