Following the talks in Tehran, a package of documents aimed at developing the Turkmen-Iranian partnership was signed

22:07 16.06.2022 8767

 Last Wednesday, in the capital of Iran, where President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrived on an official visit on June 14, negotiations were held at the highest level, as well as with the participation of government delegations of the two countries.  Key areas of interstate cooperation were discussed, among which an important place was taken by the development of mutually beneficial partnerships in the fields of transport and energy.

 As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized during a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, Iran is a long-standing and major trade and economic partner of Turkmenistan.  In this context, it was noted that constructive ties are developing in the fuel and energy and transport and communication sectors.  The significant role of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission for Economic Cooperation in the development of bilateral relations in all areas was emphasized.

 Taking the opportunity, the head of Turkmenistan invited his Iranian counterpart to pay an official visit to our country at any time convenient for him.

 President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, emphasizing Iran's desire to expand relations with Turkmenistan, said that the agreements reached, secured by signed agreements and memorandums, would contribute to the achievement of this goal.

 The transport and communications sector and the energy sector were named among the main areas of bilateral partnership.  The strengthening of interrelations in these areas is intended to be facilitated by the effective use of the potential of the infrastructure formed in recent years.

 Highly appreciating the Turkmen-Iranian agreements reached on gas supplies via SWAP, it was proposed to the relevant organizations of the two states to study the possibility of exporting gas via SWAP to third countries.

 As a result of the talks, a solid package of agreements and memorandums was signed providing for the development of cooperation in a wide range of areas.  Presidents Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi signed the Joint Statement.

 Among the signed documents are also: Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of Iran on the development of transport and transit cooperation;  Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and the Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the establishment of a joint investment committee, as well as a number of other memorandums.

 During the visit, members of the Government delegation of Turkmenistan also held talks in Tehran with their Iranian counterparts, during which priority vectors of bilateral relations in various fields were discussed.  As a result, a package of documents was signed.

 At the end of the document signing ceremony, the heads of state addressed the press.  Commenting on the results of the high-level meeting, President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi emphasized that the talks demonstrated the firm position of Tehran and Ashgabat in expanding ties, and the implementation of current agreements and the agreement reached on signing a document on interstate partnership for the next 20 years is evidence of the great importance attached by the parties to strengthening the Turkmen-Iranian relations.

 One of the topics of the summit meeting was the development of cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region, the Iranian leader said, noting the importance of the upcoming VI Summit of the heads of states of the Caspian countries, which is planned to be held in Turkmenistan.

 Addressing the media, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov mentioned that the high-level meeting was held in an open and trusting atmosphere, an atmosphere of mutual respect.  During the meeting, the directions and prospects for further cooperation were discussed, and the existence of a solid potential for expanding trade and economic ties was stated.

 Naming energy and transport among the main vectors of bilateral partnership, Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated the need for more efficient use of the opportunities available in these areas.

 As emphasized, special attention at the talks was paid to issues of bilateral partnership in the Caspian Sea.  In this regard, the head of state noted that he had invited his Iranian counterpart to take part in the VI Summit of the Heads of State of the Caspian countries.

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