Turkmenistan leads in the supply of pipeline gas to China

00:48 25.06.2021 4970


In April of this year, China imported 4,227 billion rubles. cubic meters of pipeline gas, which is 800 million cubic meters more than in April 2020. Of the total volume, more than 60% was accounted for by deliveries from Turkmenistan - 2.576 billion rubles. cubic meters of "blue fuel". This is reported by Interfax with reference to the data of the General Administration for Customs of the People's Republic of China.

Kazakhstan is in second place with 617 million cubic meters, Russia is in third place with 487 million cubic meters. 318 million cubic meters of gas were delivered from Myanmar to China, 229 million cubic meters from Uzbekistan.

Thus, Turkmenistan remains the largest supplier of pipeline gas to China.

In May of this year, the export of Turkmen gas to China since the start of operation of the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline in December 2009 reached 300 billion cubic meters of"blue fuel".

For many years, China has been the largest partner of Turkmenistan in the gas industry. In June, Turkmenistan fully repaid China's loans for more than 8 billion US dollars, provided earlier for the construction of the gas pipeline and the development of the world's largest gas field "Galkynysh". Last week it became known that the Chinese company CNPC Chuanging Drilling Engineering Company Ltd won an international tender for the construction of new wells at the Galkynysh field. In accordance with the agreement signed in 2007, the company's services will be paid for by annual deliveries of 17 billion rubles to China. cubic meters of natural gas for three years.

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