The team of Kukurtli linear production are the leaders of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate
21:34 19.06.2024 3503
Specialists of the Kukurtli linear production site of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern show their high skill and diligence in solving the responsible task of increasing the production of natural gas, which is the country’s enormous wealth, and delivering it to consumers. Thanks to their joint efforts, the completed reporting period of the current year was again marked by success. Line production workers take leading positions in the Directorate.
“Since the beginning of 2024, which is being held in the country under the motto ‘Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy’, we have achieved high rates through coherently organizing our work. We also effectively use the capacity of the Malaý booster compressor station and take measures to increase the productivity of wells in gas fields. Thanks to the diligent and focused work of our hardworking specialists and their responsible approach to their duties, we achieved good results over the past five months of the current year,” a workshop manager Begench Chariyev says.
Indeed, natural gas production regularly increases thanks to the dedicated work of experienced gas producers. The total volume of marketable products, manufactured by them during the reporting period of the current year, is about 3.5 billion cubic meters, which means the fulfillment of planned indicators in excess of approved obligations.
The leading site employs more than 450 specialists of various professions. The management board of the Directorate creates all the necessary conditions there to increase labor productivity. At the same time, occupational health and safety issues are the focus of special attention. The nature of the activities of hydrocarbon producers requires a responsible approach to solving this problem. In this regard, the efforts of an occupational health and safety engineer Berdymurad Amanov to prevent work-related injuries and accidents and to ensure compliance with labor protection rules and regulations are bringing positive results. Among the specialists who set an example for their colleagues, the names of a technologist of the Malaý gas field Ovezmurad Durdiyev, a chief geologist of the Bagaja gas field Arazmammed Annamuradov and a gas production operator of the Kukurtli field Haytmurad Niyazov, who contribute to the overall success from year to year, are among the first to be named.
The energy policy of Turkmenistan, consistently implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is aimed at the comprehensive development of the oil and gas industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the national economy, and its dynamic integration into the international energy system. Large-scale investment projects, carried out in the country in this area, are not only of great economic importance, but also play a significant role in strengthening regional and global energy security. One of the striking examples in this regard is a powerful booster compressor station built and put into operation at the Malaý gas field. Currently, as a result of the uninterrupted and efficient functioning of this production facility, the volume of natural gas supplies to the Malaý-Bagtyýarlyk high-pressure gas pipeline consistently increases. Part of this commercial product is sent to powerful industrial enterprises and populated areas of the velayat, and the major part is sent to the friendly state of China.
Eliminating all kinds of problems and planning work for the future ensures an uninterrupted flow of gas. Moreover, the extensive drilling of exploratory wells at the Malaý field and adjacent sites since the beginning of the year will make it possible to supplement natural gas resources in the future.
Employees of the Kukurtli linear production site work diligently and daily achieve high production indicators, which will form the basis of their labor victories this year.
Mammetgylych KUTIYEV
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