The President of Turkmenistan arrived on an official visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain

16:07 23.02.2023 6255

 Today, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov will meet with the King of Bahrain Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa, TDH reports.  The head of the Turkmen state arrived on an official visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain the evening before.

 This is the first visit of Serdar Berdimuhamedov to a friendly country after taking office as the President of Turkmenistan.  The upcoming summit is called upon to determine priority areas for mutually beneficial partnership, taking into account modern realities and a solid potential for interaction both in the trade and economic sphere and in the cultural and humanitarian field.

 One of the priority areas of interstate cooperation is the fuel and energy complex, which is strategic for the economies of the two countries.  At the same time, there are good opportunities for establishing cooperation in the financial and investment sector, maritime transport, the tourism industry and sports, the development of which is given great attention in both Turkmenistan and Bahrain.

 Turkmenistan and Bahrain interact in a multilateral format, within the framework of international organizations, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).  Bahrain constantly supports the constructive initiatives of Turkmenistan.

 Having established diplomatic relations in December 1995, Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain seek to give a long-term, full-scale partnership on the principles of mutual benefit, trust and respect for each other's interests.

 According to Bahrain News agency, it is expected that as a result of the talks at the top, a number of documents aimed at expanding bilateral cooperation will be signed.

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