The President of Turkmenistan: in January, the volume of assimilated investments amounted to over 2 billion manats

20:59 06.02.2023 5654

 In January, the volume of capital investments in Turkmenistan, utilized from all sources of financing, amounted to over 2 billion manats. This is 9.1% more than in January last year.  This was stated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting last Friday.

 As the head of the state noted, the development of large volumes of investments since the beginning of the year made it possible to launch new industrial facilities and increase production potential.  This will make it possible to further improve the social and living conditions of the population, as well as create additional jobs in the regions.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov also focused on the fact that an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers will be held next week with the participation of heads of ministries, sectoral departments, public organizations and hyakims.

 - It will sum up the results of 2022, analyze the implementation of the adopted programs and given instructions.  A number of other issues related to public administration will also be discussed, - the head of the state said.

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