Experts from Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are preparing a draft Agreement on the delimitation of the bottom of the Caspian Sea

22:26 26.01.2023 2044

 Discussion of the provisions of the draft Agreement between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the delimitation of the bottom of the Caspian Sea took place during a two-day meeting of the joint working group, the website of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry reports.

 The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by Director of the Institute of the Caspian Sea, Special Representative for the Caspian Sea Murat Atajanov, the Azerbaijani delegation – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan for Borders and the Caspian Sea Khalaf Khalafov.

 The meeting, which took place on January 24-25, was also attended by representatives of the relevant ministries and relevant departments of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

 The negotiation process on the issue of delimiting the bottom of the Caspian Sea has been going on for a number of years.  The previous meeting of the joint working group on this issue between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan was held on September 12-13, 2022 in Baku.

 Currently, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are preparing an Agreement on the development of the Dostluk field in the Caspian Sea.  In January 2021, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on joint exploration, development and development of this field, whose reserves are estimated at 50 million tons of oil.

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