President of Turkmenistan: there are all opportunities to take relations with the UAE to a new level

20:37 23.11.2022 2513

There are all opportunities to bring relations between Turkmenistan and the UAE to a new level. This was stated by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking on Tuesday at a bilateral business forum in Abu Dhabi, organized as part of the official visit of the head of the Turkmen state to this country.

Noting that Dragon Oil is successfully operating in the oil industry of Turkmenistan, the President invited other UAE companies to actively participate in projects in the energy and gas chemical industries of the country.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov also spoke in favor of building up cooperation in the transport sector, including at the level of seaports, in the field of "green" energy, in trade and in the financial sector, between the business structures of the two countries.

The President recalled that a loan agreement was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Bank to finance the construction of a chemical plant for the production of mineral fertilizers in the Turkmenabat city, and expressed confidence that this would give good results and lead to the expansion of ties in this promising industry.

Being a country with huge reserves of oil and gas resources, Turkmenistan also seeks to develop "green" energy. In this context, the UAE Government was thanked for supporting our efforts to establish cooperation with the specialized organization IRENA.

Also, a loan agreement was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund to finance the construction of a hybrid power plant in our country.

– I believe that we have come to the point where we need really large-scale, development-oriented joint projects that can become the driving force behind economic cooperation and open up new opportunities for attracting investment, creating mixed industries, creating a modern infrastructure system, and give impetus to start long-term, strategic, integrated Turkmen-Emirati cooperation. For this, we are ready to create favorable legal and organizational conditions, provide investors with the necessary support in the form of tax, customs, visa, insurance and other benefits, - the head of Turkmenistan emphasized.

Within the framework of the forum, three agreements were signed to expand cooperation between the UAE and Turkmenistan: on confidentiality between the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Ports Company; on the joint development of projects between the state company "Turkmenenergo" and the Abu Dhabi company "Energy of the Future" "Masdar"; on cooperation between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and the First Bank of Abu Dhabi.

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