Erdogan to discuss gas hub project in Turkey with leaders of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan

14:10 15.11.2022 6305

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan intends to discuss with the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in early December the project of the "gas hub" proposed by Russia, RIA Novosti reported.

Presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously instructed to work out in detail and quickly the issue of creating a “gas hub” in Turkey, through which Russia could move gas transit from Nord Stream to the Black Sea region and Turkey. Erdogan also believes that Europe can receive Russian gas through Turkey.

“At the beginning of the coming month, during a visit to Turkmenistan, I intend to discuss this issue (the issue of the “gas hub” project) with the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. I hope for good results,” Erdogan said at a briefing in Istanbul before flying to Indonesia for the G20 summit.

Earlier, Erdogan confirmed plans to create an international gas hub in the republic.

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