«Nebitgazchykarysh» trust increases the volume of oil and gas production

20:16 31.08.2021 4998


 Employees of the «Nebitgazchykarysh» trust of the State Concern «Turkmennebit», thanks to the effective overhaul of wells and their commissioning, make a significant contribution to the increase in oil and gas production.  As a result of these works for seven months of the year under the motto «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust», the volume of additional oil produced by the concern amounted to about 120 thousand tons, instead of the planned 96 thousand 585 tons.

 During the indicated period, for the «Nebitgazchykarysh» trust, the drillers re-commissioned 313 wells instead of the planned 299, the total number of repaired wells reached 380 units.

 During the same period, additional production of «black gold» by the oil and gas production department (OGPD) «Goturdepenebit» amounted to about 59 thousand tons.  For OGPD «Nebitdagnebit» this figure was 28 thousand tons.

 Modern equipment and drilling rigs of leading foreign companies are involved in the work carried out by the specialists of the labor units of the State Concern «Turkmennebit».  For example, the concern is armed with German-made Bentek, Chinese-made ZJ-70 DS, Russian Uralmash drilling rig, etc.

 Thanks to the use and implementation of advanced technologies and installations, specialists have reached a qualitatively new level of work on overhaul and commissioning of wells.  Over the seven months of this year, the trust produced more than 50 million cubic meters of «blue fuel» instead of the planned 4.7 million cubic meters.  The main merit in achieving these high rates belongs to the oil and gas production department for workover of wells «Gamyshlydzhanebit».

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