The National Pavilion of Turkmenistan at the Russia Halal Expo exhibition showed great potential for building up the Turkmen-Russian partnership

18:30 17.05.2024 678

Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Rustam Minnikhanov noted the presence of impressive potential for further building up and diversifying cooperation of Turkmenistan with Russia and the countries of the Islamic world, TDH reports.

 This was said after getting acquainted with the national pavilion of Turkmenistan at the exhibition of investment and infrastructure projects “Russia Halal Expo”, organized as part of the XV International Economic Forum “Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum 2024”.

 The National Pavilion of Turkmenistan presented the country’s achievements in all key sectors of the economy, including the private sector, the existing potential and opportunities for long-term interaction with foreign partners, and the implementation of investment projects.

 The Turkmenistan pavilion presents products from leading industries, including the fuel and energy sector and the petrochemical industry, which produces high-quality petroleum products, polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.

 Light industry products, glass products, and various types of building materials are also presented here.  The sphere of digital technologies and software is represented by computer equipment, Wi-Fi routers, LED lamps, plastic cards and other products.

 Famous Turkmen carpets occupied a special place in the exhibition.  Turkmen women presented a small carpet product as a gift to the head of the Republic of Tatarstan. Traditional carpet bags were presented to the guests of honor as a gift.

 A separate section of the Turkmenistan exposition is dedicated to the transport and logistics sector. Models of all types of transport vehicles and the capital's International Airport were demonstrated here, the advanced infrastructure of which provides ample opportunities for air and multimodal cargo transportation on a regional and continental scale.

 Thanks to its advantageous geographic location and ongoing constructive foreign policy, Turkmenistan is becoming the most important transport and transit hub in the region and is turning into a major international logistics center, the news agency notes.

 The multi-volume fundamental scientific work of Hero-Arkadag, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” took pride of place in the exhibition.  On the pages of the book there are dozens of types of local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of plants, a detailed description of their medicinal properties, including endemics, and possibilities of use in scientific and folk medicine.

 The herbal bar, where visitors could taste aromatic tea brewed from medicinal plants of the Turkmen soil, attracted special attention from visitors.

 As part of the Russia Halal Expo exhibition, meetings were also held during which Turkmen specialists made presentations on the investment potential of sectors of the national economy.  Representatives of business circles discussed partnership plans, exchanged opinions and proposals for new forms of interaction.

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