Gas compressor station at the Malay gas field was put into operation

00:29 16.01.2021 7968

 Today, January 15, 2021, with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the ceremony of commissioning a new gas compressor station at the Malay gas field in the Lebap region of Turkmenistan was held.

 The event was attended by the Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the government, heads and representatives of a number of ministries and departments of the country, as well as representatives of the Chinese National Oil and Gas Corporation (CNPC) in Turkmenistan.

 On the occasion of the commissioning of the new GCS, a conference was organized. There the President of Turkmenistan spoke.  As Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the energy policy of Turkmenistan, which had large reserves of hydrocarbon resources, was aimed at the comprehensive development of the oil and gas complex and its effective integration into the world energy system.

 Director General of CNPC International Turkmenistan Li Shulian also spoke at the conference.  He noted that the commissioning of the gas compressor station would further expand the possibilities of exporting natural gas from Turkmenistan to international markets.

 The commissioning of this gas compressor station with an annual capacity of 30 billion cubic meters will increase the export supplies of Turkmen natural gas.  China is currently the largest importer of Turkmen natural gas.  Billions of cubic meters of energy raw materials enter the international pipeline Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China.

 The annual capacity of the station, built by the British company Petro Gas LLP by the order of the State Concern «Turkmengas», is 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year.  With its commissioning, about 60 additional jobs were created.

 The complex, which occupies about 12 hectares, includes two production workshops – «A» and «B».  The first of them will make it able to fully develop the Malay field.  The second workshop is designed for high-pressure pumping of gas from the Uchadzhi, Galkynysh and Dovletabat fields to the Malay-Bagtyyarlyk gas pipeline, which is the first link of the Turkmenistan-China interstate gas pipeline.

 There are 6 sets of gas compressor equipment supplied by the French company «Dresser-Rand S.A.».  All processes are controlled centrally – from the control room, using electronics and special software.

 In addition, there are installations for gas cooling and purification, nitrogen and oxygen production, a spare diesel power plant and a water heating station, buildings for the central control of operators, and an administrative office, a workshop for mechanical repair and fire safety, etc.

 The Malay gas field was put into pilot production in 1986.  Today, 91 wells operate here.  This gas production complex reliably provides «blue fuel» to settlements, as well as facilities for various purposes in the eastern region of the country.

 In general, this facility is important for the timely solution of the tasks set for the rational use of natural resources of our country, increasing the reliability of export supplies of «blue fuel».

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