The first summit of the presidents of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Turkey began in Avaza

23:43 14.12.2022 1628

Today in the congress center of the Avaza national tourist zone the first three-sided summit began with the participation of the presidents TDH reports.

There, before the summit, the chapters of two friendly states met Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Anticipating the forum, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held bilateral meetings with his Azerbaijani and Turkish colleagues. After the joint photography ceremony, tripartite negotiations began in a narrow format. Among the topics discussed are the expansion of tripartite cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, as well as in the fuel, electricity and transport and communication sectors.

Then the negotiations continued in the expanded composition of delegations. The parties are discussing the development of tripartite partnership in the economic sphere.

The most relevant are the topics of expanding interaction in the field of trade, in the energy sector and in transport. As it was emphasized in the negotiations, cooperation between Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Turkey is dynamic, strategic in nature, both at the interstate level and at regional and international venues. It is also noted that the tripartite format of interaction creates broad prospects for strengthening traditionally friendly, trusting relationships and intensifying productive interaction.

Following the negotiations, a signing ceremony is scheduled.

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